Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to...

I'm back everyone!  I know the DOC wasn't quite the same without me this summer, was it?

The last half of summer was truly a whirlwind for me.  I went to Ireland, moved our furniture to Chicago, went back to VT for a "work-cation" to finish building the barn, officially moved (via road trip!) to Chicago and started grad school.

A fun, but at times, trying summer. And one that didn't leave much time for D-management. Rather than dwell on that though, I'm focusing on the quarter ahead, and my new resolve to live healthier.

As part of my back to school program, I walk to school and bring my lunch.  And, yes, I have a new lunchbox and backpack to make these things easier.

After a summer of grab what you can on the road style eating, I'm now eating a lot more fresh fruits and veggies.  One of the great things (there are a lot of great things, but I'll save that for another post) about my grad program is that I'll be learning and working in a medical center. This particular one really encourages health eating, exercise and general health promtion, so I'm happy to be in such a supportive environment.  I've started wearing my CGM again, too.

Two weeks down, and so far so good. This quarter is going to be really busy so I'm focusing on one (healthy) day at a time.

Its good to be back to school and in a routine that makes it easier to live a health D life.
A good start to our healther living focus
Visiting THE ORIGINAL McDonalds in Illinois, and not getting anything to eat!

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